Hello Wizarding Folk!
We’re proud to announce our biggest update to date: “Bounty of Guns!” This update has over 50 guns, new enemies, new events and plenty to discover. If you would like to read up on all the dastardly details [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1150530/view/4133813065561912050]please follow up on our main announcement post. [/url]
For the data-driven mages, you can find all the particulars listed in below.
[h1] "Bounty of Guns" - 1.3 Patch Notes [/h1]
[h3][b]New Content[/b][/h3]
[b]Costume Updates[/b]
[*] Bounty Hunter DLC costumes
[*] Hidden Bush Twitch Drop DLC
[b][*] Shadow Money DLC available to ALL PLAYERS
[b] Bounty of Guns [/b]
[*] Bounty Entities
[*] Bounty Rewards and Quests
[*] Bounty Board and Hunting
[*] Bounty Mechana and Reward system
[*] Gun type: Mortar
[*] Gun type: Minigun
[*] Gun type: Charged
[*] Gun type: Tommy Gun
[*] Gun Rewards: Bounty Guns (over 50)
[*] Boss Bounty Rewards (:eyes:)
[*] Gun Mount building
[*] 4 New mini-bosses
[*] Surprise Events for each biome
[*] Universal Surprise Events
[b]General Improvements[/b]
[*] Updated VFX for several buildings in the game
[*] Updated SFX for several areas of the game
[*] Map Altar Activation VFX updated
[*] Swapping bullet slots added in the loading bench
[*] Strum timing on the main menu has been “nudged” (This was important to Ryan)
[*] Updated punching animations, and shooting animations
[h3][b]Other Changes[/b][/h3]
[b] Twitch Extension Updates [/b]
[*] Twitch Chat can now name bounty entities!|
[*] Twitch Chat can now name bounty rewards!
[*][i] Have Fun![/i]
[b]Resources, Recipes, Crafting and Building[/b]
[*] Wood walls should always give the correct amount of resources ( 👀 we see you trying to game the wood economy!)
[*] Moss should now return resources in the tower
[*] Fixed SFX for First Edition pick up in tutorial
[*] Increased range on the chest sharing (a few more tiles for you!)
[b]Spells and Powders[/b]
[*] Faster bullet powder should no longer be unlocked by default
[*] Resurrection bullets have adjusted health values
[*] Updated SFX for several spells and powders
[*] Oil mortar particles should no longer linger for “eternity”
[*] Immune to poison powder has been added to the game
[*] Minor Charm fixes for multiplayer games
[*] Should no longer see multiple charmed entities icons on map with repeat charm spell
[b]Enemies, NPCs and Combat [/b]
[*] Fixed occasional rotated health bars on some enemies
[*] Fixed performance for some fights in the Barren Sea, and Frozen Wastes
[*] Moved status icon placement on boss entities
[b] Other / Misc [/b]
[*] Cryptomancer should no longer be able to fall into the void after the final battle (woops!) Instead she will float.
[*] Ghosts should no longer be trappable by removing the tile underneath them
[*] Death UI and help UI should no longer overlap in Multiplayer games
[*] Fixed several late-game, multiplayer crashes and disconnect issues (woopsie poodle)
[b]Known Issues + Things we’re working on! [/b]
[*] Some bounties might be missing their images on the bounty board (how mysterious!)
[*] Gun mounts are sometimes called “Small Chest” (technically true!)
[*] Guns might vanish from their mounts! They're still there, just invisible! (opening the mount and resetting the gun will fix this)
[*] Occasionally a chest will remain in the world but lose collision (it's a phantom chest!)
[*] Sometimes buildings might look [i]squished[/i] (they're shy)
[*] You cannot destroy Bounty Rewards in the “Arcane Annihilator” (You thought you were slick, huh?)
[*] Some users might dislike the game! (We’re sorry! We’re trying really hard!)