[b][h1]Hello Wizarding Folk![/h1][/b]
We're releasing this patch to cover a few content bugs released with the "Better Together" update.
If you've had trouble getting an achievement, or completing your library -- read on!
[b]Spoiler Warning: Endgame Content![/b]
[b][h2]"Better Together" - 1.4.6 Patch Notes[/h2][/b]
[b]General Fixes [/b]
[*] Boomerang powder should now be accessible in the physics station in older saves
[*] Lover's Quarrel, Vulf Sniper, and other bounty guns have been adjusted to appear in the correct bounty loot tables (time to complete your collections)!
[*] "Shattered Soul" should now have the correct description
[*] “0/1 gears collected” has been fixed to read "0/0 gears collected" if you have unlocked the entire Shatter
[*] The Achievement "Chaos Reined" will be unlocked regardless of which ending you get (you will have to re-defeat the last boss to get this achievement)
[*] Hilda's wanted poster will now spawn next to the Oculus in late game saves!
[*] The bookcases in the Mechantress tower will no longer be scannable!
[b]Known Issues![/b]
[*] The Huntress might incorrectly loop an idle animation.
[*] Charmed entities that have been revived might incorrectly display on the map (your zombie children are not real!)
[*] Swapping items into processing stations might no longer remember their origin (it was in your backpack, but now it’s in the chest)
[*] The “burning” VFX might obscure some smaller enemies
[*] Odden’s Middle Finger might not display correctly on the gun mount building
You can keep up to date by following our [url=https://twitter.com/galvanicgames]twitter[/url] or joining our [url=https://t.co/s2afqOPxl4]discord[/url] (and sometimes chat directly with us!).
See you wandpokes next time!