Bonfire 1.16 is Live


Bonfire is a game development platform to create interactive experiences. Built for game players, artists, designers and developers, Bonfire is fast, fun and easy. Create amazing games in hours instead of months. Build once, share and play on Windows, Mac and VR. Sparks make this special.

All the description details can be found on our Bonfire Release Notes Wiki FEATURES [list] [*] Clarified Placement Guidelines for Sparks [*] Completed Localization Support for Text, Image, and Audio Sparks - Phase 1 [*] Added Sensitivity Settings for Mouse and Key Inputs [*] Updated Bonfire Builder Welcome Link to Redirect to Bonfire Tutorials Playlist [*] Enhanced Custom Content for Bonfire 1.15.x Compatibility [*] Implemented Drawing Spark for Client [*] Added Geometry-Based Map Ingestion in Mapifier [*] Added Default Books to Player's Library [*] Built Leaderboard System for Most Popular Books [*] Added Quick-Focus Button to Center Player in Map Editor [*] Improved the Visibility of Inactive and Active Tabs [*] Created Update for Integration [*] Provided Node-Tree Documentation [*] Implemented Localization Part 2 [*] Created New Base Project to Store Mapifier/Sparkifier Commonalities [*] Removed "New Update Available" Text From Bonfire Launcher [*] Added Ember APIs for Effects and Traits [*] Created a New Ember API To Do Raycasting [*] Updated Bonfire Onboarding Link to Direct to [*] Created Redirect from to YouTube Playlist [*] Addressed Viewscreen and Document Issues for Improved Functionality [*] Updated Custom Sparks [*] Updated Text, Image, and Audio Sparks for Localization [*] Created "Localization Config" Spark [*] Created "Localization Language" Symbol Spark [*] Added Spark-Level Authentication for Endpoint [*] Completed an Integration between Bonfire and a Partner Repo [*] Rebuilt All Sparks to Resolve ReflectionLoadException in Builder [*] Recreated Complex Symbol Sparks Like Banner and Background [/list] FIXES [list] [*] Fixed 'Build Spark' Button Inaction When 'Build and Deploy' Is Checked [*] Fixed Missing Output File for 'Build Spark' Button When 'Build and Deploy' Is Unchecked [*] Enabled Grab Points for Existing Sparks [*] Improved Player Camera Stability Near Colliders [*] Corrected Minimum System Requirements on Steam Page [*] Fixed Issue with Undoing Subgraph Deletion Moving Nodes to Root Behavior Panel [*] Fixed UI Editor Sort Order Issue for Billboard Selection [*] Fixed Dropdown Selection and Visibility Issues in Screenspace and Billboard UIs [*] Fixed Issue Preventing Log In After Correcting Previously Incorrect Password [*] Fixed Custom Spark Bug with TraitAnonymous [*] Fixed Bonfire Mac Launcher [*] Fixed the Subgraph Nodes To Make Them Click-selectable [*] Fixed a Modal Dialogue in the Mapifier Selection Screen When Changing Scenes [*] Fixed a User Experience When Loading Books [*] Fixed Sparkifier Error When Adding Audio, Entity, or Symbol Sparks [*] Fixed extension saved to file upon export [*] Allow the editing of books that were created prior to Bonfire 1.15 [/list]