Blender 3.6.2 LTS Maintenance Release !


Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. Free to use for everyone, for any purpose.

Blender 3.6.2 LTS features many bug fixes. It is released on the [i]v3.6 - Stable - LTS[/i] branch. You can switch to this by [b]right-clicking[/b] on the [b]Blender[/b] entry in your library, select [b]Properties...[/b]. Open the [b]Betas[/b] tab and select [b]v3.6 - Stable - LTS[/b]. [h3]Patch Notes[/h3] [list] * UILayout.template_node_view() doesn't render UI properly. ([url=]#99569[/url]) * Accent Grave / Tilde key on Apple macOS not working. ([url=]#109630[/url]) * Regression: Using Grease Pencil Sculpt Grab Tool on a Stroke affected by Subdivide Modifier will Crash Blender. ([url=]#109986[/url]) * Blender 3.6 immediately crashes loading a GN hair model created in 3.5. ([url=]#110107[/url]) * Mesh Deform Modifier Vertex Count Error. ([url=]#110021[/url]) * Graphics Tablet Lag when in Texture Paint mode in Blender 3.0. ([url=]#93796[/url]) * LibOverride: Fix RNA handling of object parent-related properties. ([url=]8362d4aa3d5b072de801dccdd32d223c6fe81c88[/url]) * LibOverride: Reset object-parenting related properties in resync process. ([url=]cb31546c03b32b39f3a9e21f6eeebd8afc2bb48f[/url]) * LibOverride: Cleanup: Split log into dedicated output for resync code. ([url=]db2d14823952d11bda12b783fda425275c1ec92d[/url]) * LibOverride: Fix 'resync enforce' not working on RNA collections of IDs. ([url=]11c57f30166e0be116030353cba3d4d1fc5a0c6c[/url]) * LibOverride: RNA Apply code: Work around potential duplicates in names of RNA collections of IDs. ([url=]8736b6cc83012069f8f91f8a8e51e379be078764[/url]) * Fix (unreported) missing 'need resync' detection in overrides of overrides. ([url=]a6df00020630d42147cb7e341d4652ade5385611[/url]) * LibOverride: Extend unittest to cover more advanced/complex cases. ([url=]30943d710f2e447de5831410a9e9e6fcba1f6826[/url]) * LibOverride: Remove an override property when it has no operations. ([url=]cc325ad1ba5b39d89f2211063b2f4577b835a8c3[/url]) * LibOverride: Fix persistent override property in some RNA pointer cases. ([url=]f63ca4f7a82cf472cf1db59f18b810ddac2629cb[/url]) * LibOverride: Fix RNA API to access liboverride operation's flag. ([url=]8c81327b84b545370631d96e37f8632d0d6c24f9[/url]) * Fix (unreported) incorrect behavior of liboverride hierarchy fixing code. ([url=]4bc512bc9d62e75151660c7cc6e4069bfa0cade3[/url]) * Window autofocus misbehaves. ([url=]#109886[/url]) * Regression: Pressing multiple modifier keys at the same time locks mouse click. ([url=]#109525[/url]) * Switching open windows ignores held modifiers on WIN32. ([url=]#40059[/url]) * Docs: Fix layout of bpy.types.Object Python API documents. ([url=]d47755f3c6e[/url]) * Spreadsheet does not update during/after playing animation. ([url=]#110164[/url]) * Windows + Intel Arc A770: Crashes if modifying the object after rendering image in rendered view mode. ([url=]#109771[/url]) * Animation: Fcurve Channel color band alignment. ([url=]0c4a3577469[/url]) * Geometry Nodes: Float Curve input limits are not working unless "reset view" is used. ([url=]#106139[/url]) * Appended text looses user (even if used in the Text Editor) after reload. ([url=]#110341[/url]) * deps_builder: Update USD repo and hash. ([url=]dca1dbbc6c3[/url]) * Regression: Speaker ignoring of the starting position in NLA track. ([url=]#110336[/url]) * `use spatial splits` does not display point cloud correctly on video card. ([url=]#110170[/url]) * Regression: Deadlock on render start. ([url=]#110426[/url]) * Fix #109417: Cycles HIP RT crash with multi device rendering. ([url=]#110512[/url]) * Snaping in solid mode (Xray 1.0) doesnt snap to "occluded" geometry. ([url=]#110259[/url]) * no way to properly initialize for driver in material. ([url=]#109720[/url]) * How to Handle Forward Compatibility. ([url=]#109151[/url]) * Fix (unreported) minor bug in RNA/Liboverride apply code. ([url=]fbcaf7bf6f8[/url]) * blender 3.6.1 crashes on start with wayland. ([url=]#110627[/url]) * Regression: Gizmo stuck in place when I playback my animation. ([url=]#110041[/url]) * Fix #110615: missing GL dev packages in ([url=]#110609[/url]) * Regression: Loading a VSE .blend file created in older version into 3.6.0 loses information about video/audio clip cut lengths. ([url=]#110333[/url]) * vse separate image after import not working. ([url=]#110205[/url]) * Keyframes on values of linked data. ([url=]#109781[/url]) * Fix (unreported) missing handling of ViewLayer IDProperties in foreach_id code. ([url=]c426d5b084b[/url]) * Fix (unreported) collection 'readfile' expand incorrect assertion. ([url=]455683c838b[/url]) * Export_3ds: Fixed camera & spotlight target calculation. ([url=]c94cc788[/url]) * glTF exporter: fix missing animation hook parameter. ([url=]18d26d61[/url]) * Export_3ds: Fixed mismatched sign in target calculation. ([url=]82ce03ac[/url]) * Import_3ds: Fixed mismatched sign in target calculation. ([url=]90a7110b[/url]) * (Sun Position) - "North" indicator will not hide. ([url=]#104781[/url]) * Extra objects: Fix TypeError when torus knot added. ([url=]973e85bd[/url]) * Regression: Normal Edit modifier screws up UVs. ([url=]#110471[/url]) * Vertex weight slider not functional in a smooth way (weightpaint mode, editmode is fine). ([url=]#109460[/url]) * Make Line Tool Crashes Blender When Object Has Subdivision Surface Modifier. ([url=]#110601[/url]) * Keyframes on values of linked data. ([url=]#109781[/url]) * new gaussian smooth creates jagged keys. ([url=]#109799[/url]) * Graphic glitches while editing curves - Apple M2. ([url=]#110372[/url]) [/list] For a detailed list of bug fixes in each release, see [url=] 3.6 LTS releases on[/url] [h3]LTS Program[/h3] Learn more about the [url=]LTS program on[/url] [h3]Stay up-to-date[/h3]