Greetings All,
We're continuing to listen to your calls for new content and are loving your videos and comments. We plan to continue to update and add content in the future and keep the momentum going, so please let us know your thoughts in the Steam Forum and on [url=]Discord. [/url]Here's the latest!
[*] Level cap extended to 75
[*] New Weapon: The Big Brother Macro-doser. A slower but heavier grenade repeater.
[*] New Weapon: Thick Repeater: A heavy melee weapon that will reap through enemies when you hit a stasis'd (that's a word now) target.
[*] New Buff: Fever Dream: Regain deadlock time when killing enemies while at high combo levels
[*] New Tower Buff: Austerity Measures- Tower Wardens no longer drop health and ammo packs