Black Future '88 Content Drop

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32335434/216593575fa4173d96d3d78702e81f2a4879dc94.jpg[/img] We've read your content suggestions in the forum thread here and in [url=]Discord[/url]. Now from the twisted mind of Super Scary Snakes, we introduce the Heavy Culture Update. [b]About the Heavy Culture update[/b] This update focuses on more time-based mechanics. The big feature is that the timebank has been changed to not cost health, but to allow the player to grow a deadlock culture that takes some time to grow. Example: Iota Culture costs 4 minutes to start, and it will take 6 minutes to grow, but upon collecting it it will give the player 5 minutes back. This gives players more ability to invest in their late game at an early point in the run, and also alows more players to feel the joy of time pressure. Players must pick up their culture from a different fixture that started it. Players can now sometimes find the Tower Hacker in the tower next to the P.E.R.X. stations. She costs money to interact with, and she costs more money each time you talk to her in that run. She'll hack the P.E.R.X. station to hack buffs away from skymelt, but doing so means the P.E.R.X. can't be used for player buffs. [b]New Content![/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32335434/802be6adcf1aa72f8cbb0ae1852235611cb0bd0d.gif[/img] [i]Deadly Cultures:[/i] [list] [*] Alpha Culture- Costs:2m, Grow Time: 3m, Total Yield: 110% [*] Beta Culture- Costs:8m, Ggrow Time: 6m, Total Yield: 125% [*] Tau Culture- Costs:4m, Grow Time: 3m, Total Yield: 120% [*] Iota Culture- Costs:4m, Grow Time: 6m, Total Yield: 125% [*] Gamma Culture- Costs:1m, Grow Time: 1m, Total Yield: 100% [*] Omega Culture- Costs 14m(!!!), Grow Time: 2m, Total Yield: 120% [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32335434/d76e5518bdee193c818e160286f0d62e27f279e2.gif[/img] [i]Weapons:[/i] [list] [*] Rail Spike- New melee weapon type, does more damage at the tip. [*] Ceramic Spike- A breakable version of the rail spike [*] Blak Spike- A Rail Spike weapon that costs time to use, but gives time refunds when striking enemies with the tip. [*] Stasis Spike- A stasis version of the rail spike that stuns enemies hit by the tip. [/list] [i]General Buffs:[/i] [list] [*] Pristine Touch Buff- Get from P.E.R.X., get time back from killing cursed enemies, can't pick up cursed weapons anymore. [*] Bad Blood Buff- Get from the Cursed Survivor, get time back on kills when you have a blood infection [/list] [i]Tower Upgrades:[/i] [list] [*] Hot Money. Hot enemies and enemies killed with hot weapons OR explosions will drop hot money. Hot Money doesn't auto attract to the player but does 1pt of damage if you touch it. Hot money takes a second to cool down at which point it turns into regular money. [*] Unstable Portals. Cursed portals will now take damage. After a certain threshold they explode, cursing all the enemies in the room and the player. [/list] [b]Extra:[/b] [list] [*] Many new rooms added to every zone. [*] New Music- Oh Shadow [*] New Music- Young Miranda [/list] [b]Quality of Life![/b] [list] [*] More communicative effect when weapons break [*] Adding an effect when deadlock time is absorbed via combat [*] Seagrist max ammo reduced slightly for balance. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes![/b] [list] [*] Ground snipers have the correct gravity now [*] Fixes to the twitch integration which wasn't gracefully handling bad usernames, which could oftentimes break the game. [*] Hunter Zero should appear now, fixing the achievement "NOW JUST PLAIN ZERO" [/list]