Beta Version 1.18

COLDSTEEL's Sprite Studio

COLDSTEEL's Sprite Studio is a new generation pixel editor purpose built for game development (although it can be used for anything). Sprite Studio offers creation of graphics and images, animation creation, and scripting via Python, so you can create new features for Sprite Studio.

[h1]Shapes[/h1] Shapes come in two forms, ellipses and rectangles. From these, you can make circles and squares. The shapes give you the ability to change the border and the fill colors of the shape. The shape is 'placed' in its artboard, and more specifically, its owning layer, by rasterizing it. [h1]Lines[/h1] Lines also come in two forms, linear lines and Bezier lines. Linear lines are lines that connect two points, drug out using the line brush. Bezier lines are created by dragging out two endpoints, and then adding an arbitrary number of control points. The control points are used to determine the curve and shape of the Bezier line. Both types of lines color and thickness can be controlled in the editor. [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] A variety of bugs were fixed, mostly relating to memory leaks. In addition, a race condition which would cause the application to fail to close in many situations was fixed, or at least highly mitigated. In addition, many smaller bugs were fixed. [h1]Next Time[/h1] Next update will feature a redesign of the UI and a complete overhaul of the 'backend' of Sprite Studio. This update will likely mostly contain changes to the UI and bug fixes but who knows, some new features may find their way in as well. Thanks for reading!