Beta Update 1.17

COLDSTEEL's Sprite Studio

COLDSTEEL's Sprite Studio is a new generation pixel editor purpose built for game development (although it can be used for anything). Sprite Studio offers creation of graphics and images, animation creation, and scripting via Python, so you can create new features for Sprite Studio.

[h1]Beta 1.17[/h1] [h3]UI Themes[/h3] UI themes are now available. You can select them in the Options drop down menu. You can also create your own if you launch in debug mode. [h3]Variable Palette Sizes[/h3] When creating projects, you can choose the dimensions in pixels for palettes for your projects. Previously, they were always 256 pixels in width and height. This is the maximum they can be, but results in about 65,500 pixels in the palette, which is very likely much more than needed, so most times your palettes would be wasting VRAM. You should still choose a fair size for your palette however, because there is currently no way to resize it. [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] Palette related bugs with RGB and Grayscale projects are gone. There was a random string of text in a menu that embarrassingly got left in the menu. It was related to the variable palette sizes. Now the string of text makes more sense. Not exactly a bug fix but the project creation menu has been slightly redesigned to waste less space. The cursor drag features has been improved. Now it doesn't feel as random which axis Sprite Studio decides you are trying to drag your cursor across when you use cursor drag. [h1]Next Time[/h1] Next update will feature shapes, principally ovals and rectangles, and lines, both straight and curvy. These tools are extremely useful for any pixel editing task.