Beta Key Distribution Announcement

THE DAY Online

THE DAY Online is a MOBA game with a mixture of 3D, 3rd person, action, strategy, and team play. The three distinctive battle arenas await your arrival. Come and experience unique and immersive gameplay with THE DAY Online.

[url=] [h1] [b]Beta Key Request Form[/b][/h1] [/url] [b]The 1st Beta Key Distribution[/b] PST(NA West) : March 7th at 20:00 PM EST(NA East) : March 7th at 23:00 PM UTC : March 8th at 04:00 AM CET(Europe) : March 8th at 05:00 AM KST(Korea) : March 8th at 13:00 PM - Sever: US Server The server will be open for 24 hours during the Beta Test We will keep distributing Beta keys on a daily basis as more Beta key applications are submitted.