Apply for The Day Online 1st Beta Keys

THE DAY Online

THE DAY Online is a MOBA game with a mixture of 3D, 3rd person, action, strategy, and team play. The three distinctive battle arenas await your arrival. Come and experience unique and immersive gameplay with THE DAY Online.

How to apply: Go to [url=] [h1] [b]Beta Key Request Form[/b][/h1] [/url] and submit your email address and the name of your country. Result announcement: To be announced We are accepting requests for The Day Online Beta key to play on Steam. You can immediately start playing the game after activating a product on Steam using the key(Menu: Games > Activate a Product on Steam..). Beta Test Details - Test for bugs and server stability - US server will be opened first. Other servers will be opened in the future. - The servers will remain open everyday with no maintenance downtime, but we recommend following time below for easier matching. PST(NA West) : 08:00PM - 12:00AM EST(NA East) : 11:00PM - 03:00AM UTC : 04:00AM - 08:00AM CET(Europe) : 05:00AM - 09:00AM KST(Korea) : 01:00PM - 05:00PM - We will distribute more beta keys as time goes by.