Beta 0.40 released

Gravity Force

Gravity Force puts you into the seat of a drone pilot. Steer your spaceship through narrow caves (2.5D) to fulfill your job: locate and retrieve cargo crates without wrecking the ship. The minimalistic controls and realistic physics are easy to learn, but hard to master.

[h1]UE Beta 0.40 (2024-10-02)[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed the localization. Somehow the support for different languages got disabled during the 0.38 release. Strange. [*] The engine exhaust now interacts with parts of the surrounding, mostly by blowing things around or torching them. [*] Added an automatism to show and hide the mouse cursor. [*] Removed the settings for custom screen resolutions (as they caused misterious, incomprehensible crashes on some systems) [/list] We had some trouble with the settings. Some users experienced crashes when changing the screen resolution. So we temporarily disabled this feature while we are working on a solution. And then we found out that - if you want to package a game that supports different languages - there are some additional checkboxes to tick. Well... guess who didn't do that. Long story short: Now you should be able to swith the game to [list] [*] English [*] German [*] Korean (Hangul) [*] Japaneese [*] Chineese (Han) [*] Ukrainian [*] Russian [*] Spanish [*] Dutch [*] Brazilian Portugues [*] French [*] Tagalog [*] Polish [*] Danish [*] Italian [*] Turkish [/list] Have fun. And - if you are playing the DEMO: Hit the wishlist button!