Beta 0.2

All useable equipment types now display in the Learn Skills screen. -Save games from before this update will see characters lose access to their class's base equipment. Buying the correlating passives will fix this. -New saves will initialize passive skills as intended. Monies have been made much harder to come by. -Value of Silver weapons and armor have been cut in half. -Monies dropped from enemies have been reduced by varying amounts. Added enemy skill based on the Weed item. -Currently, Tombstoned and Troll use this skill. The Weed item now deals Earth damage and is considered a physical attack. Tombstoned is now immune to Earth damage and the Sleep state. Added Inspect skill whose function is identical to Scan except in being in the Motor Skills category. -The text output of Scan and Inspect now properly refer to SP. It referred to it as TP before. Mechanics can now buy the Inspect skill. Mages can now buy the Icicles skill and the Swords passive. Cars can now buy the Heavy Armor passive. Dee's line when inspecting the barrel of nuts in her Inn has been changed. The plaque on Dee's Inn now displays her name in her color. The tied rope in the Flamin Tiddies Stripclub now has inspect lines for Miss Handler and Mordred. Every character now has a short description found in their status menu. The descriptions of several enemies have been updated.