Belko VR - The Next Phase!

Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment

Exploring the themes in THE BELKO EXPERIMENT, the Belko VR – Escape Room Experiment provokes the question: “What does it take to survive at work?” Players are prompted to solve a series of challenging puzzles in order to escape from their office before a microchip in their head explodes.

Hello! To all gamers, horror fans, escape artists and VR room-scale aficionados, on behalf of myself, Top Right Corner, David Yarovesky, Paper Crane Games and Blumhouse Tilt, we want to thank you for playing Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment. Honestly, the response from the community has been tremendous and has far exceeded anything we could have imagined. Dave and I came to develop this game from our involvement in the film [url=]The Belko Experiment[/url]- Dave as a creative consultant and myself as a producer and the evil speaker voice - and it's been an amazing experience to take the dark/funny/messed up/bizarre tone of that project and turn it into it into an original escape room game. Many of you have commented that although this clearly an ad for the film, which we admit it shamelessly is, you still very much enjoyed it as a stand alone VR experience. That was exactly our goal. We're using this game as a launching off point for more Virtual Reality games and we want to give you a few updates: [*] First of all, while the game will always remain free for home users, we're giving Arcade Owners worldwide the ability to download commercial licenses. Many of you have reached out to us asking for this and have been kind enough to ask about using it commercially. The arcade market remains relatively uncharted territory and we're excited to see how Belko VR is received there. We'll have more on this soon! If you run an arcade and want to know how you can use it, always feel free to reach out to me directly. [*] Secondly, we can't say too much but David and I are about to begin a brand new endeavor that is at least in the same genre of games as Belko VR. We'd love to get direct feedback from you the user about what you liked, what you didn't like and what you'd enjoy in a new Escape Room premise. ːsteamhappyː [*] Last but not least, we're very proud to announce a new partnership with [url=]Alienware[/url]. We'll have more on this in the coming months but suffice it to say, their team is fantastic and have been hugely supportive as we complete this journey from film producers/directors and creatives to fully fledge VR developers (or semi-fledged if that's a term ːsteamfacepalmː) We're excited to bring Alienware along for this ride as they power many more of our VR adventures! Thanks again for all of your feedback and support. We're excited for new things! -Dan