"Belko Experiment Escape Room will make you love Virtual Reality"

Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment

Exploring the themes in THE BELKO EXPERIMENT, the Belko VR – Escape Room Experiment provokes the question: “What does it take to survive at work?” Players are prompted to solve a series of challenging puzzles in order to escape from their office before a microchip in their head explodes.

We just our first amazing review in from Inverse.com A big THANK YOU to Jamie Loftus (first pictured below) for checking out our game at the demo day at the Microsoft Lounge in Venice Beach, CA https://www.inverse.com/article/28483-belko-experiment-vr-escape-room [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27959115/642f713a7965a5f6643924056afe917c69452a11.jpg[/img] Some highlights: [i] Now, for the game itself: You, the player, are trapped in a small office in Belko headquarters, which is presumably not too different from the one the film’s protagonists find themselves in. A phone rings, you speak briefly with a co-worker who doubles as your best friend … and then the lights go out. Then an intercom informs you that you’ve got 15 minutes to escape the office using a control panel attached to the wall … and if you don’t, a small explosive device in your head will go off, blowing you to bits Elmer Fudd-style. [/i] Some other stills of players demoing Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27959115/ca724436ab0799b8799bfa3979aa5fbdc18678db.jpg[/img] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27959115/0941e8614d8623cb0ab1fe60e5819d35abf35ce8.jpg[/img] [i] While VR is still in its infancy, the Belko Experiment escape room is one of the first filmic integrations that doesn’t feel completely shoehorned into an unrelated piece of media. This could be because its creators are more well-versed in film and story than in game mechanics in the traditional sense. Film ties aside, Yarovesky and Clifton were more or less given a creative blank check in developing the escape room and pulled from their own experience with gaming and the experience of the ever-popular escape room experience. [/i]