Batman: Arkham City PC release date set for November 18, new screenshots swoop in

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

Experience what it’s like to be Batman and face off against Gotham's greatest villians. Explore every inch of Arkham Asylum and roam freely on the infamous island.

Batman Arkham City - Fear not Gotham..
We learned several weeks ago that the PC version of Batman: Arkham City would be slipping into November. On the day that the game hits consoles in the States, Warner Brothers announce that we can expect it on PC on Friday November 18. A whole month away! By the time Arkham City reaches PC, the first Nightwing DLC pack will already have been out on consoles for more than two weeks.

No reason is given in the statement as to why the PC version is late, but there are four new screenshots for us to stare at longingly. If you're looking for a new desktop background, the larger version of the above thumbnail (without speech bubbles) looks spectacular blown up, and there's a shot of Joker's face in gruesome detail. Click to see each screenshot full-size.