Ban cheating accounts on April 17th

Sinister Night 2

Nine Streamers enter an ancient Chinese mansion, hoping to attract a huge following and become famous through livestreaming. However, two of them are tragically possessed by evil spirits. These possessed will slaughter their companions, and complete a malevolent ritual of a ghostly wedding.

Dear players, in order to protect the healthy environment of the game, we implement a zero-tolerance policy against cheating. Any player caught cheating will be punished with a [b]permanent ban[/b]. In addition, a credit score system is being developed, and credit scores will be deducted for swearing, cheeky, and unplugging behaviors. The following is the first batch of cheating account lists. If players find other cheating behaviors during the game, they are welcome to report it in the QQ group. "好好玩游戏" "奶狼粉丝" "梓寰" "Outcek1" "y勇敢牛牛冲惹。" "十一" "夜黑峰高" "二狗" "你急什么" "KUKi" "卿" "Roxanne." "1然" "Scherzo" "Baozi/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~" "好像当教育局这样就能抽查你的小学了" "睿小睿" "ice" "EmperorPutin" "我们CN真的是泰裤辣" "美团外卖送啥都快" "胯下有象 乘风破浪" “看见女人就烦”