Axis Games releases Meld on Greenlight

Axis Football 2015

Axis Football is a 3D American Football Simulation Game that features a unique aimed passing system. Play in a single match, season mode, or local multiplayer! Offers basic mod support for team rosters.

Hi folks, Danny Jugan here from Axis Games. I don't usually do cross-game promotions, but there is some mutual benefit for everyone in this situation. When Axis Football 2015 was Greenlit on Steam, we were about 80% finished with another game we were working on called Meld. When we finished working on AF 2015, we turned back to Meld to finish things up there before turning back to working on the AF 2016. With our KS failing to raise what we hoped it would, we could use all of the revenue we can get in order to make the game the best it can be. Getting Meld Greenlit on Steam would help us accomplish that! If you have a second - check out the Greenlight page for Meld below and shoot us a 'Yes' vote if you feel inclined. For those of you who are curious, our work on Meld will not delay our plans for AF 2016. When we projected timelines and goals, we took the time it would take us to finish Meld into consideration. In fact, breaking from AF for ~2 months allowed us time to hire some folks to create some nice GUI styles and mo-cap animations for the game. As always, I sincerely appreciate the support everyone has shown us! Best, Danny Jugan @AxisGamesDev