Asking For The Community's Help

Axis Football 2015

Axis Football is a 3D American Football Simulation Game that features a unique aimed passing system. Play in a single match, season mode, or local multiplayer! Offers basic mod support for team rosters.

Hi folks – Danny Jugan here with a favor to ask. We're four days into the Axis Football 2016 Kickstarter, and we have raised about $800 of our $10,000 goal. We are off to a decent start, but projecting the current pledge rate to the end of the campaign will bring us up short of our goal. I need your help in spreading the word about the Kickstarter. If you are considering pledging to support the project, I would encourage you to do so now to continue the momentum that we have started. My transparent goal with this game has always been to create the game that the fans have wanted. I need some help to get the game to a visual level that meets expectations. Axis Football 2016 can be a huge Leap forward with everyone's support. This is your chance to do something about the monopoly that exists in this area of gaming. Tell your friends, send out emails, make Facebook posts, tweet about it, put a video on YouTube, post it on reddit. I am all in with this game, and I am asking you to utilize whatever connections you have to share the word! Here is the link to the Kickstarter and some Twitter and Facebook posts that you can like, share, and retweet.