Axis Football v2.0 Patch Notes

Axis Football 2016

Axis Football is a an American football simulation featuring innovative aimed passing and massive customization.

Hi, folks! This was a quick patch to address some of the features and requests from the community. We'll be back with another update soon after this! Patch Notes: [list] [*]You can now view your team's entire season schedule in addition to the league's week-by-week schedule [*]Adjust the block duration during pass blocks on coach mode. There was a significant lack of sacks occuring previously. [*]Fixed the bug that was preventing players from being able to kick an extra point or go for two when they scored a TD at halftime as time expired. [*]Adjusted the amount of data initially loaded at the title screen to help those who were experiencing long loading times or freezes after the splash screen. [*]You can now play 3:00 quarters in both Quick Match and Franchise Mode. [*]The quick timeout feature on the controller now functions properly (press LBump + RBump at the same time). [*]Adjusted the speed of the WR blockers on the Spread -> WR Screen play [*]The kicking power from the kick meter now scales better at lower power levels. Previously, you could kick it at the lowest level and still make pretty long field goals. [*]Removed the input delay from the kick meter. [*]You can now simulate your own games in Franchise Mode! [*]You can now toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode using the options menu of the title screen. This also allows players with multiple monitors to play the game on a different display. To do so, simply set the game to windowed mode, drag it to the desired monitor, then re-enable fullscreen mode. [*]The menu background music is now completely modable. Find the Mods > Audio > Menu folder and simply drag in any number of tracks (must be .OGG format). The tracks will be played one after another in alphabetical order. [/list] I know there are several features and fixes that remain. I'm going to keep working and try to get them implemented ASAP. Keep an eye out for a post with more changes coming soon. One last request, if you haven't rated/reviewed the game yet, please do! One of the best ways to encourage others to buy is by rating the game! Thanks! Danny Jugan