AudioSpace 6.1

Just in time for the season of celebrations, here's the latest AudioSpace for your delight 🎁. Level up the ambience and display beautiful visualizations for your playlists - the bigger the screen πŸ“Ί the better! With the added texture support for shaders, AudioSpace is now not only a visualizer and a media player, but also a full-blown HLSL shader toy with Unreal Engine 5 visual fidelity (e.g. great blooms and reflections), comprehensive set of real-time audio data easily available, and runtime compilation just by re-selecting the shader in the menu. You won't find this anywhere else, and by itself the feature has indeed all the makings of becoming a separate application at some point. To share your shaders and try our shaders created by others, visit the new [url=]shaders sub-forum[/url]. There's already something that's not included in the installation packet. ✨ There are also two new sub-forums that are long overdue, really: [url=]Ideas & Feature Requests[/url], and [url=]Bug Reports[/url]. Make good use of them. As always, this update is free for current owners of AudioSpace. If you like AudioSpace and wish to support further development, give a positive review so that others can find it too πŸ‘. Enjoy! ❀️ Here's the full list of changes: [list] [*] added support for user textures in shaders, completing the shader functionality; accepted file types include BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and GIF (but not DDS) [*] level meter can now be customized with a full variety of colors and styles [*] menu: [list] [*] new preset buttons with +-10 preset range selection [*] improved clarity with dynamic opacity, esp. with media player [*] added visual feedback for clicking the prev/next buttons in the menu [*] better parameter slider & color adjustment help texts [/list] [*] AudioSpace window: [list] [*] position is now saved and restored correctly (as applicable) [*] in VR, window tries to get keyboard focus and is switched to real full-screen mode (instead of borderless window) on startup and always on reset to reduce stuttering [*] maximize/restore button in title bar is now correctly updated after Alt+Enter [*] added "AudioSpace" to the title bar [/list] [*] auto-camera: [list] [*] auto-saving viewpoints is now done only when menu is closed, to avoid unnecessary overwriting of manually saved viewpoints [*] any media player wall is now brought to view if no visualizations are active in the room [/list] [*] in VR, HMD centering is now checked on startup and followed by auto-centering (if very wrong) or hint message (if somewhat wrong) [*] change of audio device (e.g. speakers <-> headphones) is now handled gracefully without need to restart application [*] traveling to another location is now appropriately animated [*] improvements to planet rendering and animation, especially regarding Earth [*] visual improvements to nebula wavefronts (fog fade in/out, expanse to the sides) [*] better and more stardust with aurora, warp tunnel & trinity flux (much more with only the high frequency band enabled!) [*] improved kaleidoscope edge fadeout and added "spiralizer" under param B [*] improved media player pause & stop handling [*] fixed an issue with the floor grid audio status color not always updating correctly on startup [*] anti-aliasing options are now either 2xMSAA or 4xMSAA, as UE5's masked opacity doesn't work with anything else [*] automation with program scripts: [list] [*] time codes can now be also relative (with a "+" prefix) [*] revised, fully documented example program is now included [*] updated documentation available [url=]here[/url] [/list][/list]