AudioSpace 5.0 released

Now it's here: AudioSpace that is not only a visualizer but also a media player! This major update includes a good volume of other delights as well, such as new visualizations on the back wall, the VU meter, and vectorscope v2 with multiband skills. See the full list at the end of this post to get properly excited. ✨ Installation typically requires Windows restart due to full Explorer integration of the media player. Steam doesn't warn users about that, so check that reboot is OK before installing. As always, this update is free for current owners of AudioSpace. Newcomers are also in luck, as the price will remain the same as before (for now). Looking forward to see your next AudioSpace visualization videos around. 🎡🎬 Enjoy! [list] [*] AudioSpace can now play music and videos from files, playlists and online streams [*] most audio formats are supported (not .flac and .ogg though), as are all major playlists [*] for videos, H.264 encoded .mp4 is the best format for compatibility and performance [*] playback is controlled by a media layer that can be toggled on & off for each wall, floor and roof; example playlist of online radios is available by default on the roof media layer [*] media layers can also include background & overlay pictures for frames, watermarks, lyrics textures etc., let your creativity run wild! [*] new mode in the ROOM group: "VU meter" (modeled to be a fairly decent imitation of an analog VU meter, with RMS averaging and correct rise/fall times; toggle all frequency bands off for full-band mode) [*] visualizations are enabled now also on the all-new back wall, with unique variations of each mode [*] wall dimensions are now 16:9 or ~21:9 (64:27) to match display aspect ratios better [*] new location: "Black Hole" (when you want a fully black background for visualizations) [*] console panel now tries hard not to be on the way of any visualizations [*] configuration & presets are now saved under Documents\AudioSpace as text files for easy access and editability; that's a good place also for any program sequences you might create (an example is available) [*] new feature: multiband vectorscope; unselecting all frequency bands brings out the (classic) full-band vectorscope (same applies for waveforms) [*] vectorscope slider B is now dedicated to a new "attractor" parameter; slider C controls the line style [*] spectrum columns: param C was moved on B slider, as C now controls a new "hollow -> peak afterglow" parameter (try full peaks on the back wall!) [*] aurora & warp tunnel: faster reacting visualization can now be selected by lowering slider B when you need better sync / snappier response [*] shape of sound: param B now controls also the "vortex-foce" of particle movement; max vortex at both -1 and 1 [/list]