Atomicrops: Feline Good Free Update is now LIVE!

Lots to get excited about with the latest Feline Good Free Content Update! Want more cats? You got it! More upgrades? Done! Even more cats? Sure why not. Increased rewards from the final boss? Sure! More cat themed stuff? Ok... [b]New Content[/b] [list] [*] New Achievements. [*] Added Farm timelapse to end of round screen. [*] Added Elite enemies that appear in increasing frequency after year 3. [*] Surplus - a short mode after defeating the final boss to flex your farming power and gain more cornucopias and increase your score. Unlocked after year 3. [*] Cat Plushies - Collect cat plushies to gain permanent stat bonuses. [*] New stat: “Homing Pigeon” - Chance for pigeon to return when used. [*] New stat: “Jump Start” - Chance to gain a charge immediately after using a tractor. [*] Added more permanent upgrades to Ants. [*] Added animal counts to info/inventory screen. [b][*] New top tier cats that unlock challenges[/b] [/list] [b]Balance, Changes & Tweaks[/b] [list] [*] Removed ambient vegetaskulls (purple skulls) from later years. [*] Improved victory screen. [*] Improved selecting cats in the Atomicats UI left panel with mouse. [*] Player can now press and hold to buy tier 1 cats, upgrade cats and reroll cats. [*] Cat UI now remembers selection of 'Upgrade' and 'Reroll' button so they can be spammed. [*] Victory screen art varies based on year. [*] Balanced season harvest reward requirements. [*] In the victory/game over screen, the online/local leaderboard tab selection state will be remembered between runs. [*] Renamed 'Motivator' to 'Carrot Tractor' Carrot Tractor rework - new description: "Become invincible for 2 seconds. Energizes all friends and turrets. Holds two charges. Summon a new Carrot Tractor as another Carrot Tractor is dying for bonus invincibility time." [*] Reduced cost of upgrading and rerolling cats. [*] Reduced cost of tier 1 cat Increased chance of acquiring better tier cats as a victory reward. [*] Tier 6 cats are possible to gain as a victory reward. [*] Luck affects chances for higher tier cats as victory reward. [*] Harvest Shield and Sow Shield destroy vegetaskulls. [*] Roach bodies no longer deal damage. [*] Red circle damage indicators adjusted for players feet. [*] Player can now stand near red circle indicators and not receive damage if feet are not in the circle. [*] Gamble shop can now drop top tier pigeon scrolls, farm animals, pickaxes, and fertilizer. [*] Gamble shop good items are much rarer. [*] Gamble shop cost increases 2 times faster per use. [*] Balance - Reduced player's hitbox by 30%. [*] Balance - Reduced speed of all beeson and clamped their max speed so they will no longer snap back to group at unreasonable speeds. [*] Balance - Toned down bat movement in later years. [*] Balance - Reduced luck's affect on health drops. [*] Balance - Limited max number of slugs that the Slug Boss can spawn. [*] Balance - Megaton Tractor can no longer kill some tree monsters in one hit. [*] Balance - Reduced heart beet drop chance each year. [*] Balance - Snail boss - Increased knockback distance required for snail boss to break away from consuming crops. [*] Balance - Psychoactive Weeds (Cutting weeds decreases enemy bullet speed and increases move speed) reduces bullet speed by 50% instead of 70%. [*] Balance - Psychoactive Weeds effect is shorter and requires more weeds or flowers to reach max effect duration. [*] Balance - Lard (Reduce enemy bullet speeds.) reduces enemy bullet speed by 20% instead of 30%. Balance - Reduced enemy bullet speed no longer effects enemy bullet range for most bullets. [*] Balance - Lard and Psychoactive Weeds together no longer reduce enemy bullet speed to nearly zero. [*] Balance - Reduced health of final boss by 20% in later years. [*] Balance - Difficulty of final boss fight ramps up faster. [*] Balance - Demon Vegetables during final boss fight fire lines of bullets and have increased range in later years. [*] Balance - "Soil pH Meter" now does: "Weeds that grow on soil have a 50% chance to be a flower instead." [/list] [b]Bug Fixes & QoL Improvements[/b] [list] [*] Bug Fix - Maybe fixed a bug that would cause some enemies to spawn next to player, leaving no time to react. If it still happens, please let us know! [*] Bug Fix - Fixed possible bug that would cause beeson to lag behind group and snap back to group at high speeds. [*] Bug fix - Fixed misplaced tree in farmhouse. [*] Bug Fix - Drones and friends will no longer attack bats that aren't aggro. [*] Bug Fix - Art - Fixed sorting issues with some cats. [*] Bug Fix - Player can no longer receive damage when the boss warp hole grabs the player. [*] Bug Fix - Can no longer use tractors in Deervil Room [*] Bug Fix - Sowing seeds will no longer be cancelled by weed growth. [*] Bug Fix - Tractors no longer charge while in deervil room. [*] Bug Fix - Coffee Cup (Become energized by killing enemies) now works properly with all guns and player abilities. [*] Bug Fix - Tractor Boss can no longer leave a tire behind when killed. [*] Bug Fix - Volcano and Cherry Bomb explosion hitbox matches damage indicator correctly. [*] Bug Fix - Entering Deer room now pauses night progression and the dawn helicopter. [*] Bug Fix - Dandelion collectables properly increase a random stat. [/list]