AT LAST! Here comes the FULL RELEASE BUILD! (update 1.07)

The Next Penelope

Set in a futuristic Odyssey, "The Next Penelope" is a fast paced action racing game with loud colors, an original story and a challenging risk-reward system. Weapons can be mixed and used at any time, but all these abilities cost vital energy!

I can't describe how happy I am to write this changelog. After 2 years and a half, it's here, the full, freaking final release build! It comes with around a hundred changes, so I can't list'em all, but let's talk about some of the most important ones. >> To make it short, if you played the early access before today, please give it a fresh spin! << (Starting a new game won't erase your Steam achieviements.) Oh, before that: As you may have guessed, making a game alone leads pretty quickly to a lack of perspective. So I'd like to sincerely thank the Steam community one more time, your feedback has been super helpful during this early access. Thanks a bunch, mysterious and kind people from the internet <3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT CHANGED SINCE THE FIRST EARLY ACCESS BUILD? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - difficulty rebalanced, tons of tweaks. - NEW solo content (Time trials forcing you to combine all weapons, score based minigames) - more options (french and italian languages, scanlines effect...) - NEW local 4P Multiplayer mode. You can even play with 4 friends on the same keyboard! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT CHANGED SINCE LAST WEEK? Changelog V1.06 > V1.07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORY MODE: - Less punitive collisions between the ship and CPU ships. - Sirens race, Arachne boss rebalanced, Kharon's tracks unzoomed. (still pretty challenging, though) - Final bosses rebalanced, no more sweet spots, more random added. - tons of small tweaks and bug fixes. - italian translation (thanks, Allessandro!) 4P MULTIPLAYER MODE: - new tracks ("Magnetic Cogs" and "Minefield") - tons of small tweaks and bug fixes. - very important feature but kind of hidden: horns to annoy your friends! SCORE and TIME TRIAL MISSIONS: - Casino > much more progressive, a bit easier, tighter controls. - Timetrial > No more OOB - tons of small tweaks and bug fixes. GENERAL: - small performance improvements. - Added an "old tv shader" activation/ deactivation when pressing F10 for scanlines enthusiasts. - in case of very low FPS, a pop-up will appear asking you to low your graphic settings so the game doesn't miss an important trigger at some point. - A kickass release trailer made in 36 hours because oh snap! I totally forgot the trailer like a champ! That's it for today! Let's celebrate! Oh, and please tell your friends, even if you can't buy the game, this is a very good way to support niche titles like this one. You'll find some ammo below if you feel like spreading the word. ------------------------------------------------------- ARTWORKS, GIFs, PRESSKIT here! -> ------------------------------------------------------- See you on twitter (@AurelRegard) or on the Steam forums! Aurelien.