Assembling Tactical Neural Update

Beyond Sunset

Cyberpunk first-person shooter with a rich story and RPG elements. You are Lucy, an enhanced street samurai searching for lost memories. Fight in large, open, interactive levels overtaken by yakuza, zombies, robots and bosses!

Greetings cyberninjas! Long time no see. How is your adventure in Sunset City coming along? But! We do have some heavy beats for you. You see, we’ve been very busy with Guns. And the Blades. Overall Tactical Neural Update for Beyond Sunset! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40993900/332b4502d19282e7d66128d0a12846fd9c1fcf4d.gif[/img] Ready to dive deep into the changelog? Here it comes: [list][*]Powerkill reward for successful parry reduced; [*]Parry pushes enemies backwards, if the enemy hits something while being pushed backwards they will take damage; [*]Small powerkill reward when damage is dealt this way; [*]Small powerkill reward when an enemy is killed this way; [*]Weapon upgrade – shotgun grenade upgrades have been replaced with cluster grenades; [*]New level – E3 now contains a new level between the citadel and the tower defence section.[/list] [b]New ability: Ground pound[/b] [list][*]Crouching in the air causes the player's horizontal momentum to stop and they fall quickly to the ground; [*]Does not deal damage, this is only a movement tool.[/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40993900/1fea5ffb1597801584ce34b99a0a16b43e70eafd.gif[/img] [b]New Augments:[/b] Poison spread – killing a poisoned enemy poisons other nearby enemies; Ice chill – same behavior as the poison spread but with the ice effect; Augment synergy – performing a powerkill recharges a dash charge Power-dash – dashing into an enemy pushes them backwards just like the melee parry [list][*]large enemies and enemies with shields cannot be pushed and dashing into them causes the player to bounce off; [*]dashing into an enemy while crouch sliding or shortly after crouch sliding pushed them farther back and deals more damage when they hit something[/list] Ground Pound Attack – same as the standard ground pound but will create a damaging shockwave when the player lands [list][*]if the shockwave damages an enemy this uses 1 and only 1 dash charge; [*]shockwave can damage destructible objects but doing so does not consume ammo; [*]shockwave cannot activate shootable switches; [*]if the player does not have enough dash charges, is very close to the ground, or has not been in the air for a long enough time the player will not perform a ground pound attack and will instead do a standard ground pound.[/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40993900/4de89de582d99f219e2da8a643d84485ea66b4f0.gif[/img] Ready to test them all out? Time to play!