Artisan TD: Next Fest - Patch v0.840

Artisan TD

Artisan TD is a puzzle-oriented Tower Defense game where you must survive by building mazes.

[h1]Patch v0.840[/h1] [h3]New[/h3] [hr][/hr] [list] [*] New languages available: 🇪🇸 / 🇧🇷 / 🇯🇵 / 🇰🇷 [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [hr][/hr] [list] [*] Farm fields that don't regenerate if all wiped out fixed. [*] Level reload with different difficulty fixed. [*] Missing Chinese characters fixed. [*] Invisible tutorial if quickly completed fixed. [*] Sound of end-of-level stars not adjustable fixed. [*] Visibility of dart turret projectiles improved. [/list]