🛠️ Patch Notes - Hotfix v1.107

Artisan TD

Artisan TD is a puzzle-oriented Tower Defense game where you must survive by building mazes.

🔨 [b]Bug Fixes[/b]: [list] [*] Display of path length on arrival portal fixed [i](in case of multiple starts for a single arrival)[/i]. [*] Options: Change graphics no longer modifies VSync. [*] Options: Frame rate now displays actual value when VSync is enabled. [/list] 📐 [b]Balancing[/b]: [list] [*] Board 13 - Wave 1 fixed [i](much too hard due to a timing error)[/i]. [/list] ✨ [b]Polish[/b]: [list] [*] Options: Set audio now plays a sound. [/list]