Arcana of Paradise ーThe Towerー Demo Update 1.3

Arcana of Paradise —The Tower—

Choose from 20 children and perfect your deck as you battle against The Tower's bizarre inhabitants in real time! Time your guards, combo your attacks, charge up powerful magic, and collect legendary relics in your search for food, as you guide the children to the bottom!

Thank you for playing the demo of Arcana of Paradise -The Tower-. Based on feedback we received from the community, we have made several changes to improve the play experience. [b]1) Additional Language Support[/b] Up until now the demo as only available in English and Japanese, but we have added the ability to select from the below languages: [list] [*] German [*] French [*] Spanish [*] Brazilian Portuguese [*] Simplified Chinese [*] Traditional Chinese [*] Korean. [/list] Additionally, the game's language can also now be changed at any time from the title screen. [b]2) Improved Mouse and Keyboard Support[/b] We are aware that a number of players would prefer to play with mouse and keyboard, so we have made various improvements to the feel of input with these devices. However, there are still a few improvements that aren’t yet implemented, but will be in the launch build of the game. If you have any feedback or requests for further improvements, please let us know on the Steam forum! [b]3)The Escape Key No Longer Closes the Game[/b] Previously, the escape key was set to close the game, but no more! The escape key will now open the options menu instead. To close the game, please return to the title screen via the option menu, and close from there. [b]4) Various Additional Changes and Improvements.[/b] We’ve added loading tips, hotkey icon display, and other various additions to the demo in this update, so please check them out while we get read to launch the full game next month!