Arcana of Paradise ーThe Towerー Demo Update 1.1

Arcana of Paradise —The Tower—

Choose from 20 children and perfect your deck as you battle against The Tower's bizarre inhabitants in real time! Time your guards, combo your attacks, charge up powerful magic, and collect legendary relics in your search for food, as you guide the children to the bottom!

Thank you for playing the demo of The Tower -To the Bottom-. Based on feedback we received from the community, we have made several changes to improve the play experience. [list] [*][b] Improved visibility of the card that is currently selected in the player’s hand. [/b] This change is aimed at making controller players more easily able to discern which card they currently have selected, so we have made given the effected more pronounced colors and animation to help make this stand out better. [*][b] Improved the feel of using cards in quick succession during battle.[/b] Previously, using a card would result in no cards being selected. After this update, the card to the immediate right will now automatically be selected, and is aimed towards making the play experience smoother. [*] [b]Children being held captive in The Tower will now show animations when taking damage.[/b] Previously, only the damage taken and a health bar would be shown, which would result in cases where players would accidentally depleting their health without realizing. In order to better illustrate that the captive children are taking damage, we have added a knockback animation and red flashing effects. This is aimed to make these rescue battles easier to read, as well as to improve the overall play experience. [*] [b]Changed the timing that The Hanged Man card’s tutorial is shown.[/b] There were some cases where players would complete battles before being shown the tutorial explanation for this card. This will now occur earlier on in the demo in order to make it ensure new players are better able to understand this card’s unique mechanics. [*][b] Changes to the number of cards that appear in the demo.[/b] In order to better fit the content available in the demo, we have removed the Poisoned Bread card from the card pool. This card will remain in the full game, so please look forward to find all of it’s uses in the various trials within The Tower, along with the rest of the disruption cards. [*][b] Added a way to view the controls in game.[/b] In order to improve the new player experience, we have added a screen displaying the controls early on during start-up process. During play, this can also be viewed at any time via the options menu in the top right. Also, there confirm/cancel buttons were set differently between the Japanese and English versions of the game, but this was confusing for some players, so we have decided to make the controls for both versions identical. [/list]