"Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp" brings you more of the world's best (and maybe only?) multiplayer dating sim; but in a way you've never expected!
Hello, everyone!
Let's check what's coming to Monster Camp today!
[u][b]1. SUMMARY
From now on, expect content updates to be simpler. Look at this one:
[*]New Alternative Playable Character: A FRIDGE
[*]Option: Full Credits
[*]Steam stuff (emotes, trading cards, etc.)
[*]New Outfit Pack: MOSTER PORM
Yes, we did it. We answered your countless demand. Now you can be a fridge in Monster Camp.
It is 100% for free as an update. You can unlock this new character in the meta-shop.
The fridge comes with a lot of new art. Fridge in the lake; fridge in the love log; fridge in the haunted manor...
Such a deligt!
We added "FULL CREDITS" in the settings. This lets you navigate the credits more peacefully.
What's more important: here is where we will add all EXTRA CREDITS of people collaborating with the game after-release. Unfortunately, adding new names to the credits is kinda hard, provided it is an animation. So this is a good solution to add everyone!
[u][b]4. STEAM STUFF
We've added all that shiny cool Steam stuff! Collect the trading cards, emotes, and more!
We had a fun time donig these little things for you enjoy! We hope you like them.
NOTE: we realized there is an error with the text of one trading card. We're trying to solve it, since Steam doesn't need you to edit those once published. Fingers crossed!
[u][b]5. MOSTER PORM (the outfit pack)
We've released a new outfit pack: MOSTER PORM.
it brings back all your favs from renowned dating sim Moster Porm.
This pack is "bundle-tied". This means it is accessible by buying the "CAMP FOREVER" bundle (or buying its items separately: [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/16572/Monster_Camp_Camp_Forever_Bundle/]https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/16572/Monster_Camp_Camp_Forever_Bundle/[/url]
If you do so, this pack will be for free.
Here's the pack's presentation:
[quote=your future self] MOSTER PORM IS B4CK, BABY!
You missed your all-time favs from renowned dating sim Moster Porm? Worry no more!
They're all back, ready to enjoy Summer camp!
Let's go back down memory lane...
- Veronica and Zowie, the fierce gorgon who fashioned dresses made out of armor; and the weird purple floating thing that kinda parasited her.
- Louie the vampire! It was the one with the shirt and the attitude. Do you remember him being purple? That's the Mandela Effect for you!
- Marmanda Vandebunt, heiress to the Merkingdom. She totally always looked like a robot with a wig.
- Scot! The one that was a dog of sorts. You all loved his infectious happiness and his soft skin made of fabric and cotton.
- DEMIOOOOOON!!! The hot demon that had everyone thirsting over his sexy cardboard face.
- And Poppy, so mysterious... who wasn't hypnotized by those eyes, so deep that at times they looked like two bottomless holes full of mystery?
Ah, we all have lived so many unforgettable moments with them! They're -in a way- part of our lives![/quote]
[u][b]6. WHAT'S NEXT?
As we've said, content updates will be quite lighter from now on.
Because we're officially switching into "MAKING MORE GAMES".
It seems April 2021 will be the official date for the start of production of "Monster Roadtrip".
Maybe we can have some status update on the start of production later this month (probably on a public Kickstarter update).
We're starting to experiment with things and discuss stuff.
We're also finishing the KS exclusive alternative character pack. We need to prepare the voices. Aiming for summer... but who knows?
And we've prepared a good number of free outfit packs coming as part of future updates (and maybe one or two paid). The idea is to have at least 1 free content per major update.
[b]FREE CONTENT: [/b]outfit pack or alternative playable character (but most likely outfit pack, due to workload)
[b]MAJOR UPDATE:[/b] Summer, Halloween, and Winter
And that's all!
So happy to keep adding weird stuff to this game... while we start working on a whole new one too! (:
Best regards,
the Beautiful Glitch team
NOTE: we talked about an additional "Drinks Mode". But it is highly likely we never get to do that, due to time restrictions!