Apr. 1 Data Patch

Uncharted Waters Origin

Commemorating 30 years of the Uncharted Waters seriesSail through the vast oceans, massive worlds and contentsOpen world exploration RPG Uncharted Waters Origin

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43212740/c29d67bc6d8505c804d977373e5662a3b6c74971.png[/img] Enter into the Endless Possibility! Hello, Admirals. Uncharted Waters Origin will be undergoing a data patch on Apr. 1 (Mon) to address identified issues. Please refer to the following information for details. ▼▼▼▼▼▼ EN - https://uwo.floor.line.games/us/bbsCmn/detail/1711964400385001376 JP - https://uwo.floor.line.games/jp/bbsCmn/detail/1711964379168000244 TW - https://uwo.floor.line.games/tw/bbsCmn/detail/1711964421582014303