AppGameKit Studio 2022.06.27 update released!

AppGameKit Studio

With AppGameKit Studio we've re-imagined the game development user interface with an all-in-one work space. You can now quickly drag & drop assets to visualise your scenes, code with AppGameKit script, easily browse app media, run live debugging sessions, access online help and lots more!

Welcome to the quarterly update for AppGameKit Studio. This update focuses on a host of NEW commands! [h2]Noise Generator Commands[/h2] We've added some new noise generator commands. These are useful for things like procedural textures and generating height maps: [list] [*] [i]SetupNoise [/i]- Initialises Open Simplex noise generation [*] [i]GetNoiseX [/i]- Returns 1D noise value [*] [i]GetNoiseXY [/i]- Returns 2D noise values [*] [i]GetNoiseXYZ [/i]- Returns 3D noise values [*] [i]GetFractalX [/i]- Returns Fractal/Fractional Brownian Motion 1D noise value [*] [i]GetFractalXY [/i]- Returns Fractal/Fractional Brownian Motion 2D noise values [*] [i]GetFractalXYZ [/i]- Returns Fractal/Fractional Brownian Motion 3D noise values [/list] [h2]Sprite Physics[/h2] The sprite physic commands have been expanded, providing extra control. You can now set properties such as the gravity scaling and whether a sprite can sleep or not, this lets you take control instead of AppGameKit making all the choices: [list] [*] [i]SetSpritePhysicsGravityScale [/i]- Gravity scaling [*] [i]SetSpritePhysicsInitiallyAwake [/i]- Set if the sprite is initially awake or set [*] [i]SetSpritePhysicsAllowSleep [/i]- Allows a sprite to sleep [*] [i]GetSpritePhysicsGravityScale [/i]- Returns the gravity scaling value [*] [i]GetSpritePhysicsInertia [/i]- Returns the current inertia value [*] [i]GetSpritePhysicsIsBullet [/i]- Returns true if the sprite is set as a bullet [*] [i]GetSpritePhysicsIsAwake [/i]- Returns true if the sprite is awake [/list] [h2]Tweening[/h2] New tweening commands provide more information to you about the tweening system. For example, you now have the ability to discover the current time for a tween and its duration. You can also clear all tweens for a sprite, text etc. This resets the state of those tweens, allowing you to clear all tweens with one command prior to adding new tweens for your sprites: [list] [*] [i]ClearTweenSprite [/i]- Clears all tweens for the sprite [*] [i]ClearTweenCustom [/i]- Clears all tweens for the custom tween [*] [i]ClearTweenText [/i]- Clears all tweens for the text [*] [i]ClearTweenChar [/i]- Clears all tweens for the char [*] [i]ClearTweenObject [/i]- Clears all tweens for the object [*] [i]GetTweenSpriteTime [/i]- Get the current time for a sprite [*] [i]GetTweenSpriteEndTime [/i]- Get the end time for a sprite tween [*] [i]GetTweenCustomTime [/i]- Get the current custom time [*] [i]GetTweenCustomEndTime [/i]- Get the end time for a custom tween [*] [i]GetTweenTextTime [/i]- Get the current text time [*] [i]GetTweenTextEndTime [/i]- Get the end time for a text tween [*] [i]GetTweenCharTime [/i]- Get the current char time [*] [i]GetTweenCharEndTime [/i]- Get the end time for a char tween [*] [i]GetTweenObjectTime [/i]- Get the current object time [*] [i]GetTweenObjectEndTime [/i]- Get the end time for an object tween [/list] [h2]Bug fixing[/h2] Fixed a crash when using the Spaces command when the length specified was negative