Another Patch

Settlers of Orion

A turn based hybrid board game that combines elements from Settlers of Catan with elements of space exploration. It features a great game to game advancement system that will lead to huge replayability while you play games to unlock more races and powerful artifacts.

Just released another patch that fixed the following issues: Players who unlocked the Long or Marathon games were unable to select 40 or 50 turns, just the normal 30. That has been fixed. Fixed the game token calculations for losing a game. Player should have been getting 1 game token for every victory point, including VP from cards, and the lose game token bonus. They were only getting the VP from cards and the lose game token bonus. Players should keep in mind that the Victory Points from Research Cards are automatically played to win a game for all players if those VP and the players current VP are at or over the VP required to win. That is why you are unable to play them during the game and why they have 0 play cost. Fixed a GUI error on the screen where you stole 3 resources from 3 different players. The header was wrong, it has been fixed and now lines up with the text properly. Almost moved the 'Confirm' button down to the bottom of the message.