Announcing Supporter Pack

PixiEditor - Pixel Art Editor

PixiEditor is a pixel art editing software. Create beautiful sprites for your games and edit images. All packed in an eye-friendly dark theme. Have you ever used Photoshop, Gimp or Aseprite? We want users to get familiar with the tool quickly and with ease.

[h1]Announcing Supporter Pack[/h1] Hello pixel artists! We are announcing PixiEditor Supporter Pack, something that hopefully help us boost development of PixiEditor. So, what is this? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43538089/f2c7a4fc0e415ff7b66f93eb9ce80c82cbf6de10.png[/img] Supporter pack is a bundle of 21 handcrafted color palettes and a UI badge telling you how awesome you are. But most importantly, it is a sign of your support to PixiEditor. As you know, we are open-source non-profit organization and we want to bring the best features for all of you, but we need funding for that. If you would like to be a part of PixiEditor growth or you just like our work, purchasing Supporter Pack is the best way to support us. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43538089/e6a670324bb6b39ff37658870a882ddd866a7281.png[/img] Coming to Steam 3rd of July, 2023. Enjoy the trailer Wishlist now: Have a good day!