Alpha 1.5 - Patch 1 - A Ton of Fixes

Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1.5

Hello Neighbor 2 is a Stealth Horror Game where you’re being stalked by a mysterious creature as you try to track down Mr. Peterson (The Neighbor) who has disappeared after the events of the first game. Play against an advanced, self-learning AI that tracks and adapts to your every move.

Hello ghosts and ghouls! Thank you all for playing Alpha 1.5 in these last couple of days! We really appreciate your feedback, keep it coming! Not only it helps us to catch all the bugs much quicker, but also to determine where to nudge the game gameplay-wise. You may have noticed an in-game survey that pops up after you've played for a bit - this is one of the new ways of listening to your thoughts on the game. Let us know what you think about the new Guest behavior and the new puzzles so that we could make the next Alphas even more fun! And now, to the update itself. The team has been working tirelessly to eliminate the peskiest of bugs and improve the overall quality of life for Alpha 1.5, and the first patch is now out! There's a lot of fixes. Like, a lot. Take a look for yourself: [b]Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1.5 v1.1.1.4 - Full list of changes[/b] [i][list] [*] Backyard house roof got updated geometry for easier jumps [*] Updated decorations inside the house and in the open world [*] Stationary phone has been moved to the bedroom [*] Crowbar puzzle is now more intuitive [*] Optimized lighting, other optimizations [*] The Guest can now disassemble the generator if it's in their way [*] Polished the final cutscene (added sound) [*] Optimized sound levels (balancing) [*] The Guest can no longer spot a player through the main door [*] Improved one of the puzzles for obtaining a candy with the generator [*] Lost candies are now more visible in the basket [*] The cable now rolls up correctly while attached to the generator [*] Decreased the probability of the camera shifting after being caught by the Guest [*] The Guest now knocks down an installed CCTV camera instead of being blocked by it [*] You can't block doors with the CCTV camera anymore [*] Bottles' fullness is now correctly displayed in the inventory [*] Fixed player's detection in hiding spots [*] Fixed a bug where the Guest would freeze after a key has been taken out of the furnace [*] The Guest no longer T-poses :( [*] Fixed the bug related to the Guest opening the coded door [*] Improved the Guest's behavior on neutral grounds [*] The Guest no longer attacks a player while they're in the van [*] Fixed incorrect Guest indication on the CCTV display [*] Fixed incorrect display of candies when thrown into the basket [/list][/i] Let us know in the comments what are the important issues that remain unfixed! -Imbir🐾, Eerie Guest & tinyBuild Follow us on social media: [i][list] [*] [url=]Discord[/url] [*] []Facebook[/url] [*] [url=]Twitter[/url] [*] [url=]Instagram[/url] [/list][/i]