Akumi Wars 1.0.23 - X-mas Event (New Game Features Added!)

Akumi Wars

Calling all Bounty hunters! Akumi Wars is a turn-based RPG. Build your own party of irresponsible misfit heroes and delve into an epic world story with the ultimate goal of... avoiding needing to work retail. Armed with guns, magic, and a distracting amount of leg, hop on your ship for adventure!

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1961970/Akumi_Wars/][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GfhujTrXEAAJWcO?format=jpg&name=large[/img][/url] [b]Patch Notes: [/b] [list] [*] New X-mas events and rewards [*] Hero added Arctulius, Herald of Winter [*] Hero added Akumizon + X-mas skins [*] Hero added X-merc [*] Hero added Frost Elf [*] Hero added Ice Sabre [*] Hero added Water Elf [*] Added new ship skill with animation Ice Cannon: does moderate AOE damage and prevents enemies team’s next action [*] Added new ship skill with animation Aianna’s Aid: Aianna heals entire team to full heal and cleanses all debuffs [*] Added new ship skill with animation Guided Missile: fires a missile at the enemy's team dealing large AOE damage and stunning them [*] New custom skill: Stealth Tracker - marks units on hit so they cannot go stealth for 3 turns. Activate to reveal all stealth enemies [*] Removed restrictions from Bubble Burster and Bubble Prevention skills. Added to shop [*] Added new map music for Cragkeep Mountains and Halcyon Forest [*] Bubble Burster now adds 50% turn meter. [*] Removed cooldown from Topaz skills. Will always dispel buffs and remove bubble shield on hit [*] Removed cooldown from Burning Force stun when burning a target [*] Jade’s Scattershot now focuses on a single target while burning a secondary target [*] Zoomed in on hero selection screen [*] Gwen’s “Unholy Strength” buff now has a green aura when active on a hero [*] Fixed Gwen shop NPC animation. Was broken [*] New Gwen X-mas skin [*] Added grammar fixes to the game thanks to the Akumi Wars Discord community [/list] Want to help us continue improving the Akumi games? [url=https://discord.gg/Wha9xwvY6Q]Join the Akumi Wars Discord![/url] Happy Holidays! Onwards and Upwards! -Akumi Wars Team