Akumi Wars 1.0.15 - Minor Update

Akumi Wars

Calling all Bounty hunters! Akumi Wars is a turn-based RPG. Build your own party of irresponsible misfit heroes and delve into an epic world story with the ultimate goal of... avoiding needing to work retail. Armed with guns, magic, and a distracting amount of leg, hop on your ship for adventure!

[i][u][b]Patch Notes:[/b][/u][/i] • Smaller chance of Demon Hunter Relic killing you at low health when burning yourself to heal. • Adding new term “Unique” to skills. These skills can only be obtained once. • Spelling certain names with runes will give that character a bonus: [list] [*] - Akumi - Attack + 50% [*] - Drone - Healing Received + 60% [*] - Skeez - Accuracy + 50% [*] - Artix - Health Points + 50% [*] - Miltn - Attack Speed + 20%: [*] - Alina - Critical Power + 40% [/list] ... more to be discovered! [url=https://discord.gg/8fGVsCBxnK]• Added the most recent grammar corrections from the Discord community. (Marked with a star if corrected in the channel.)[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/8fGVsCBxnK]Join the Akumi Wars Discord community to help us improve the game more![/url] Okay this is for sure, the last update for a while. Updates will resume early April. Onwards and Upwards! -Akumi Wars Team.