ADOM 3.3.2 released to Steam

ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)

ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) is one of the most successful roguelike games ever created, boasting a brilliant mix of story, RPG, exploration, and intensely strategic & flexible combat. The Steam version adds various features like achievements, difficulty level customization & play modes.

Ho ho ho! Shortly before Christmas we decided to release ADOM 3.3.2 to Steam. This celebrates our 100th ADOM release (in 27 years) - a kind of special moment. Nonetheless ADOM 3.3.2 mostly is a bug fix release again improving the stability, performance and usability of ADOM. You can find all the details in this blog post: Additionally we soon will have something awesome related to ADOM to announce. Stay tuned for another update in the very near future! Kind regards Thomas & Team ADOM