Act II 2017 Round Up

Estranged: Act I

Estranged tells the story of a lone fisherman, whose ship is stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Explore the rich environments and meet the curious inhabitants of the island as you find a way back to the mainland.

[i]This was cross-posted from the [url=]Act II news hub[/url][/i] As 2017 draws to a close, I thought I'd round up some of the things that happened over the past year, and look ahead to what 2018 will bring. Here are some interesting statistics from the past year: [list] [*]Over 19,000 downloads on Steam [*]262 Steam reviews (74% positive) [*]Over 30 content updates (many more undocumented) [*]Over 300 builds (some are duds and don't go live) [*]2,829 commits in source control [*]Over 40 GB of content (raw levels, code, textures, models, sounds) [*]18 [url=]development blog[/url] videos on YouTube [/list] [img][/img] [i]Concept level from photograph of sewer - [url=]view tweet[/url][/i] [h1]Twitter[/h1] I am going to be posting more smaller morsels of news and screenshots on Twitter, so if you'd like to get smaller development updates follow me [url=]@AlanEdwardes[/url] and [url=]@EstrangedGame[/url]. These will propagate into the update news posts on Steam, but if you want to get more detail from behind the scenes and development updates as they happen then Twitter is the place. [h1]Looking Forwards[/h1] The next year is going to be a big year for Estranged: Act II, with the first content update of 2018 arriving very soon. There will be more action, story and awesome environments to experience in the next few months – the fisherman's voyage is not yet complete! [img][/img] [i]Upcoming changes to forest level[/i] [h1]Thank You[/h1] I touch on it every news post, but I want to thank every person reading this for being involved in the project – whether you're waiting for the series to be complete, or you're playing the content updates as they are released – thank you all. Here's to 2018! Alan