ACE SUMMER UPDATE (2/2) - 09/09/2015 Patch Notes

ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution

The world’s first MOSA (Multiplayer Online Sports Arena) is now available on Steam Early Access!

This update it the second part of the announced Summer Update Plan. Make sure your client version is .453 . As some of you know, we managed to optimize the game code during August. We have faced two issues. The first one was about the way how characters were handled in the code, the second one was about the way how the puck is handled in the code. We were able to fix and optimize the first part of this and greatly improve game's performance. Here the details of what have been done during the past month. [b]Game stabilization:[/b] [list] [*]Characters' code was redesign in order to greatly increased its accuracy. [*]Net code was optimized in order to greatly accelerate the exchange between the clients and the servers. [*]A game engine lag compensation plug-in has been debugged. [/list] [b]Open Dev Project:[/b] [list] [*]Game engine was optimized for the Open Source Project that will allow the community to take part of the game development. More information will be given soon.[/list] [b]Bug fix:[/b] [list] [*]On respawn after a goal, the goalie shield should not push away your team mates [*]Several grab bugs have been removed.[/list] Regading the second issue, which result from how the puck is handled into the code and the way we developped the physic part of the game on UE3, engineers from Epic will provide us their support during the next two months and they will greatly push forward the optimization of the engine which is made by the game. We are looking forward to show you more about this soon. In the meantime, the announced [b]Open Dev Project[/b] is about to start with selected developers from the community. It's first task will be to work on the UI and the chat, as so many of you asked for it. We will show and announce more as soon as possible. Thank your for you support, especially during the test sessions, and see you in the arena!