ACE - 26/02/2015 Patch Notes

ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution

The world’s first MOSA (Multiplayer Online Sports Arena) is now available on Steam Early Access!

Hello fellow runners! The Feb update is finally here! Enjoy! [h1]New features[/h1] [list] [*]The ELO database - First step to the full ELO system [*]Official Season emblems [*]New Year / Winter Championship Exclusive hat [/list] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [list] [*]Goalie shield animation now show the pulse effect properly and doesn't seem to be an immune area anymore [*]Awesomium process are now killed once the game is launched, and restarted when the player comes back in the lobby [*]The first lane of the leaderboard should now diplay your rank properly even if it is above 800 [*]The puck should not go through the door anymore [*]PLayers are now correctly assigned in different teams in the matchmaking [*]The tutorial should not bug anymore [*]Bot are now named with their assigned hero [*]The Win bonus is not given if you are the only human player in a game. [/list] [h1]Characters balance[/h1] [list] [*]Nitrogen Queen is now immune to her own abilities [*]Captain Smoke's drones have no delay anymore on their shot (on test) [*]Stalker has got one more ultimate charge [/list]