Abyss Open Playtest

Abyss Playtest

Our first day of open testing was as chaotic as any classic MMO playtest. Some video highlights: [previewyoutube=EryMgWZeC-A;full][/previewyoutube] Thousands of people tried to login to Abyss at the same time because we accidently set the game to allow all Playtesters in at once instead of waves as we planned. There was login congestion, many players were falling "into the Abyss", some players heads fell off. It was everything we could expect as developers during a free, open playtest. This was a free playtest - we are excited to fix hundreds of bugs reported. Check back later this week for improvements. If the game is too rough for you, do not buy it. We will listen to the community and fix every bug reported as quickly as possible. Check back again in a few months for the next playtest!