Abstract Puzzle Update - 100 New Puzzles


A number logic puzzle game. Solve nonograms to form pixel-art images. Features 300 hand-made puzzles.

This update adds 100 new puzzles for you to solve! The puzzles are different from the original ones included with the game. For those, much of my focus was on making recognizable pictures, rather than the puzzle itself, so most of the puzzles were relatively easy to solve. For this update, I decided to create abstract, unrecognizable puzzles instead, so I could focus on making puzzles that were more challenging to solve. As a result, this puzzle pack represents a pretty significant difficulty bump from the original 200 puzzles. Though the puzzles may look somewhat random, they were not randomly generated. I hand-designed and test-solved each one. Each size category, from 5 by 5 to 25 by 25, has half the amount of puzzles it did in the original puzzle collection, so there are: [list] [*]4 5x5 puzzles [*]24 10x10 puzzles [*]40 15x15 puzzles [*]20 20x20 puzzles [*]12 25x25 puzzles [/list] The smaller puzzles are still pretty easy, since it's hard to make challenging small puzzles, but the difficulty ramps up fast once you get into the larger puzzles. A few minor additional tweaks are included in this update: [list] [*]Improved counting so that filling in squares during a count no longer automatically stops the count when you stop filling in squares. [*]Fixed a bug where pressing start on the main puzzle select screen would crash the game (embarrassing...). [*]Changed puzzle completion achievements to no longer use a puzzle completion count Steam stat and removed the stat. This change means there should no longer be any circumstances where achievements pop up when they shouldn't. [/list] Happy puzzling! [h3]2.00.01 patch[/h3] Fixed a bug that would cause the game to crash when stopping a count while still filling in squares.