A Pit of Variety

Steampunk Graveyard

The dead walk with a metallic clunk! Run, jump and shoot your way past mechanized zombies in an endless series of graveyards. It's up to you, Professor Selene Gasket, to put a stop to the menace and save the terrified villagers from the minions of Baron Richter von Sprocket.

Hello We've added a bit more variety to the pits added in the last update, as well as fixed a couple of minor glitches The change affects the width and placement of the pits, giving more variety in their appearance rather than affecting gameplay too much [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33705266/1e0f8d7d434df9666a0d6b5538d479cf4dfffcc7.png[/img] The glitches fixed were aslo visual in nature, relating to the underground areas, and would have only affected some players We hope you like the update