A new patch for the public Beta (0.7.991)

Manor Lords

Manor Lords is a medieval strategy game featuring in-depth city building, large-scale tactical battles, and complex economic and social simulations. Rule your lands as a medieval lord – the seasons pass, the weather changes, and cities rise and fall.

Hi all, [b]You can now access a new experimental branch of Manor Lords (0.7.991).[/b] [b]Saves:[/b] To avoid any potential issues, it’s recommended that you back up your saved files before switching to a beta version. [b]Mods:[/b] Please remove any mods you have before beginning a new save to ensure you can play without interference from an outdated mod. [quote][h3]To find your saves on Steam for Manor Lords.[/h3] [list] [*] Press Win + E [*] Paste %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ManorLords\Saved\SaveGames into the search bar. [/list][b]If you'd like to try it, please follow these steps:[/b] [list] [*] Open Steam [*] Right-click on Manor Lords in your library [*] Select Properties [*] Go to the BETAS tab [*] Enter the password: veryNiceBasket [*] Choose "pre_release" from the "Beta participation" drop-down list [*] Wait for the game to update the files (if nothing happens, restart the Steam client) [*] Launch the game [/list]All new strings might not be localized yet, and stability hasn't yet been thoroughly tested. Some balancing changes are still experimental.[/quote] [b]To discuss this, please join the official Discord server[/b] https://discord.gg/manorlords. You'll find a channel specifically for discussing the ongoing pre_release branch. [hr][/hr] [h1]Changelog Version 0.7.987 -> 0.7.991[/h1] [b]Gameplay & Balance:[/b] [list] [*] "Winter fishing" changed to "Advanced Pondkeeping" and now also doubles the pond's capacity [*] When bought, sheep all have pregnancy counter set to 0 for better predictability of the sheep breeding development branch [*] Upped fish pond regrowth to 50% in spring seasons [*] Increased fishing spots to 11 per pond [*] Fish Pond capacity is no longer random and has doubled from the previous maximum [*] Default fishing reserve upped to 120 to avoid players overfishing by default [*] Increased fishing action speed by reducing loop repetitions from 5 to 2 [*] [Experimental] The bonus resource node was removed since most people thought that it's a bug. [*] [Experimental] Since most people expect between 2-3 ponds and 2-3 salt deposits per map, instead of spawning them as a bonus node from a random pool, fishing ponds can now randomly replace berry deposits, and salt deposits can randomly replace iron deposits. Once again, the randomization uses a fixed pool to spawn 2-3 of those per map, as the players seem to expect. [*] Added generic storage to the Malthouse since it stores fuel [*] Spoilage is now rounded up from half (1.4 becomes 1 unit) instead of always rounding up. If spoilage is lower than a single unit but greater than 0, it becomes a % chance to spoil. [*] Market stalls now have max spoilage reduction as in real life it would have a high turnover (...and it was too punishing) [*] A minimum of 2 sheep are now required for breeding to occur [*] Sheep pregnancy duration lowered to 145 days (+-1) (Variable is currently hidden in the game) [*] The number of lambs born per region cap increased to a maximum of 2 every ten days. [*] Goat extension yield changed to 2 hides and one meat every 150 days + 1 extra meat with the advanced skinning development branch [*] Iron Parts are now required to make Crossbows. They are made from Iron Slabs by the Blacksmith Artisan. [/list] [b]Minor changes:[/b] [list] [*] Enhanced the tooltip for the "NA" price to explain better why it's not available [*] "Fuel reserve" renamed to "fuel stockpile" not to confuse with the new "reserve" options [*] Removed the "max capacity" placeholder text [*] Added max mining deposit capacity to save data [*] Added a "spoilage multiplier" difficulty setting to the game setup [*] If an animal breeding fails due to collision, another attempt will be made next cycle [*] Adjusted stone gate spawning locations for specific lv3 plots (left side anchored, no expansion upgrade) [*] Added new help buttons to reserve and production limit and added entries for text in barter UI and work area and road curvature [/list] [b]Crashfixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a crash when drawing over 200 waypoints for a squad [/list] [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed: Villagers can fetch water from the not fully constructed well [*] Fixed: Windmill does not respect Production Limit [*] Fixed the tavern production limit being visible even though it doesn't produce anything [*] Fixed invalid push force scaling at high framerates, resulting in units pushing themselves away indefinitely in rare situations [*] Fixed deer not being startled by buildings [*] Fixed some parts of the lv3 residential stone gate wall floating or spawning with gaps [*] Fixed lv3 stone gate not always being spawned deterministically when a plot is narrow and there is no expansion, leading to some buildings appearing as unconstructed after loading a save [*] Fixed villagers & oxen sometimes not respecting storage filters [*] Fixed "berry" regional strength sometimes being picked even though there is no berries spawned cause a pond replaced them [*] Fixed the heads sometimes disappearing when a newly spawned villager exits a building [*] Fixed soldiers running away from the enemy immediately after loading a save [*] Fixed deer counting as 2 when breeding [*] Fixed setting highlights disappearing after changing the language [*] Fixed storehouse workers collecting fuel stockpiles from buildings that need to be refueled [*] Fixed the "Rooftiles" icon being greyed [*] Fixed the "constantly pause and unpause the game to stop days passing" exploit [*] Fixed deer icon not moving to their lair location after reloading the game [*] Fixed lamb age not loading properly [/list] [b]Cosmetics:[/b] [list] [*] Tried to tune the ice material to make it less like, according to one player, concrete :) [*] [Experimental] Pond material changes: The water edge is softened at the cost of AA motion precision (sadly, we can't have both). Pond water now receives shadows. Note: Shadows will look pixelated up close with "sharp" shadow settings. [/list] [hr][/hr] If you've enjoyed playing Manor Lords, please take a moment to share your feedback in a Steam review. Thank you for playing! Greg and the team