A Fishy RPG Update #2 + Steam Achievements

A Fishy RPG

A Fishy RPG is a retro-style game about surviving, exploring and finding legendary fishes in a strange and procedurally generated universe.

Hello! Hope everyone is okay! We're happy to announce that we've just released A Fishy RPG v1.2, the second Major Update! In this version, we focused mainly on the story, aiming at finalizing the core lore of the game and the two possible endings, but we also added a lot of other things. Check the list below: [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/41375646/96065bd92d066bc50dd68a25ffbde96af8de4e02.png[/img] [b]1) Legendary Fish [/b] *Before this update, the game had 3.000 procedurally generated fish, distinguable only by number (n_1 to n_3000), and fishes number 1 to 9 were the legendary ones. We decided to change this a bit, and now there are 18 legendary fish, and all of them are different also in shape. We also integrated these specific fishes a bit more into the game's story. [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/41375646/670b3234d4c344410a66c142c1e7a96edf949dbf.png[/img] [b]2) Cataloguing and save [/b] *Inside your book, you will notice that all these legendary fishes are now possible to catalogue and will appear/remain inside your book with an autosave feature when you get them. [b]3) Steam Achievements [/b] *25 Steam Achievements added. One achievement for each legendary fish (18 total), 2 achievements for the endings, 3 achievements for "grind reward" and 2 other ones - you can check them all in your library or steam profile. [i]However, please notice: 1) We still didn't integrated the Steam Overlay with our game (we expect to do this in the next update) so if you're playing on Full Screen, you might not see if you get an achievement (it will not "pop" on the screen), but no worry, just check your profile/library and confirm that you get it or not. If you want to see the achievement pop the second you get it, we recommend you playing in windowed mode. 2) We tested all the achievements in the Windows build and it's working fine. However, it seems the Mac and Linux are not. We will try to figure this out as well until the next update. Sorry about that.[/i] [b]4) Village, NPCs, dialogues and story [/b] *One of the major things we added in this update was the Village, which is located on the surface. There, you will be able to interact with a few fishermen/villagers to start your adventure. We also added dialogues with the "final boss" and other ones regarding to the multiple ending aspect. 7 NPCs were added in total. Five of them are in the Village, and the other two it will be better not to spoil it ːsteamboredː [b]5) Hotel [/b] *Hotel added to the village, which can be used to restore your health and hunger. [b]6) Minor design changes [/b] *Added movement to main characters; *Added clouds on the surface. That's it for today. Since this was a large update, some unexpected bugs might happen, so if you find any, please leave a feedback/reply here so we can fix it as soon as possible. Thank you for the support, and we hope A Fishy RPG is more enjoyable now for everyone! [i]Screenshots from current version: [/i] [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/41375646/5d0357d2f1d64525bf0dd875173f7b0c5dd661c7.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/41375646/6bf0c6288bc0e0b3107a13f33eaee5ee27a19074.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/41375646/1970f7dfc965768a2f364e262f29cf7197e8b8b2.png[/img]