Encounter hot Dominatrixes, each with their own style and fetish, conquer them through Dominance Battles and enjoy the sexy rewards of awakening their lust.
Jitsuko is back! And her ambitions have grown from merely having an army of typing slaves to an actual, hierarchical Queendom. With her at the top, obviously. Good boys can work their way up, but she's not easy to please and she'll demand everything from you. Of course, good boys willingly give whatever they can to their Queen, so Jitsuko is well on her way to establishing her own little slice of Heaven on Earth. Or Hell, depending on your perspective.
It helps that her art got an amazing update, as seen here.
There are layers to Jitsuko, her appearance and her dream nation of complete subservience to her Queenly perfection. We're certain you'll enjoy discovering what Jitsuko has in store for you.
As for next month, go vote now on what you're more excited to learn about in the [url=https://twitter.com/zee_vital_games]twitter poll.[/url]
But wait! There's more! We've been asked repeatedly just how close to (or far from) completion DommeBreaker actually is. Although we don't have a fancy Roadmap with deadlines and still don't have an answer for when we'll be done, we did make a list for ourselves to keep track of our priorities. We'll update this each month with what has been accomplished and what we're working on, but here's the whole thing.
[b]FINISHED (Writing, art and programming)[/b]
[*] Story Intro
[*] Dominance Battle Tutorial
[*] Upgrade tutorial
[*] Map tutorial
[*] Backgrounds
[*] Base combat design
[*] Game flow design
[*] Emily Dominance Battles
[*] Emily Victory/Story scenes art
[*] Player upgrades/abilities design
[*] Jitsuko combat texts
[*] Jitsuko combat design
[*] Tomie combat art
[*] Tomie Victory/Story scenes
[*] Jitsuko combat art
[*] Jitsuko Victory/Story scenes
[*] Additional scenes art
[*] Ending Sequence
[*] Main Menu
[*] Music
[*] Voice acting
[*] Testing and bug fixing
[*] Balance tweaking
[*] DLC 1