[b]A Ballad of Guns and Things: Bobby Ray's Online Store Opens Up in Jagged Alliance 3's Patch 1.3[/b]
Sofia, Bulgaria / Vienna, Austria, November 9th, 2023: In just one week, Jagged Alliance 3 will launch on Xbox and PlayStation. However, today, developer Haemimont Games is releasing exciting new (free) content for the PC version.
We are delighted to announce the expansion of Bobby Ray's Guns and Things to a new business region in Grand Chien! This means that the world's most notorious online store is now accessible in Jagged Alliance 3. For mercenary commanders who can pay upfront, the store offers a wide range of weapons, ammunition, and professional mercenary equipment, both new and used. Rest assured, a bulletproof vest remains effective even after taking a few hits*. The courageous delivery team at Bobby Ray's is ready to dispatch your order to any port along the western coast of the Adjani valley!
In addition to Patch 1.3, we'd like to highlight a crucial aspect of Jagged Alliance 3: The Soundtrack. We invite you to lend us your eyes - and your ears - and discover how the esteemed composer George Strezov breathed life into the world of Jagged Alliance 3 with its incredible music.
Watch the Music Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-kbAkB0pmU
Full patch notes for patch 1.3: https://thqnordic.com/article/jagged-alliance-3-patch-13-vicky
*neither Bobby Ray's Guns and Things, THQ Nordic, nor Haemimont Games will be liable for any lost hitpoints. The use of second-hand equipment is at your own mercenary's risk.
PC Players, check out the accolades trailer to see what the press thinks about the game: https://youtu.be/j5a4ZPAkD74
Jagged Alliance 3 is already available for PC at an SRP of $ 44.99 / € 44.99 / 39.99 £.
A free playable demo is available on Steam. It allows players to explore Ernie Island, the starting region of the game.
Check out the Demo: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2386860
Order here:
And if you visit our website, you can browse through all of our Mercs - check it out: https://www.jaggedalliance.com/
Already done with the Campaign and looking for new content to beef up the game? Check out what the amazing modding community has achieved in only a couple of days: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1084160/workshop/
If you want to learn more about the game, make sure to follow on social media or discuss with other fans in the forums or on Discord:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaggedalliancegame/
Forums: https://community.jaggedalliance.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/jaggedalliance
Enjoy & stay tuned!