1.3.2 Public Patch notes and DevStream 27 Under the Hood of JA3 with Ivan-Assen

[h2]Patch[/h2] - Fixed an issue where savegames made in 1.3.0 would break interactables - Fixed a softlock and multiple other issues related to weapon actions - Fixed softlock when loading savegames containing travelling squads in conflict - Changed Cart and Order buttons in Bobby Rays [h2]Stream[/h2] Haemimont Games will be live on Wed, 22nd Nov 17:00 Local time / 16:00 Vienna. Starting with Ivan-Assen Ivanov's (CTO of Haemimont Games) interview. Followed up by Cursed Builds episode 2 with PavelG and Dinko As always the stream will be over on [url=https://www.twitch.tv/haemimontgames]Twitch[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41227161/2a1f907ca660ef038f0019ba7204a2700c33b2f9.png[/img]