#9 ReelBooks Entertainment

New Earth Saga of the New Gods

Blake "The Hammer" Ingersol, is an avid gamer. He's dating Chelsea, who always finds new ways to rock his world. As they are concluding a game, Michelle, gives a ring of wishes to the man she loves, who makes a wish... that will change everything, for everyone, and possibly... end the world.

Hello everyone! And Happy Mother's Day! These past few weeks, we have been working very hard on this game, in particular on the animations for the game. In the process, we discovered we quite enjoy animating, and have decided to expand upon the animations within the game. We have also started a new company called ReelBooks Entertainment, that has the goal to convert books, word for word (Whenever possible), into animated web series! So, as we said, we will be including a lot more animations in our games. Also, following behind our games, will be a web series that will follow the main narrative path of the game. Due to the rules of most services that we can put a web series on, we will be placing the NSFW content on another site, where it is considered somewhat more acceptable. Hopefully, after we have completed this web series. We will be able to find other authors willing to allow us to create animations following their books. In particular, we will be inquiring of Jack L Chalker, Robert A. Heinlein's estate, and Jim Butcher, just because if any writers deserved their works spread to a wider audience, it's these three. Thank you, and, as always, Happy Gaming! PS; Also, we have a surprise coming for those of our Patrons tier 2 and beyond. I'm dying to tell all, but my wife is insisting on secrecy until we have everything in order.