
Tree It

Tree It, a simple and easy to use 3D tree generator.

Tree it 1.3 Sorry for the delay and there are quite few changes here, if you don't like them you can roll back to aug 22 via the beta branch. - Node tree added should make creating trees a bit easier, you can disable this by going options>interface to revert back to the existing method of tabs/layers. - Creation toolbar added on the left side this is where you now add new trunk/branch/leaf/mesh components (previously layers) as well as delete/duplicate/rename/show selected. - Additional trunk components can now be created. - Displacements now moved to the side panel under the texture group. - Leaf joints now shared with tree joints (trunk/branches). - Transform widget (position/scale/rotate) is now used when selecting a trunk component. - Dynamic sky with clouds. - Universal texture set window with support for additional textures such as metalness and AO texture maps added. - Texture browsers added makes it much faster to browse textures added to the textures folder. - knowed texture types will fill the texture set when base texture applied** - Branches can now have a separate texture assigned to them. - Space key + mouse click will insert a mesh at the cursors location. ** List of knowed texture extension for auto filling the texure set. alpha.xxx opacity.xxx _n.xxx nrm.xxx normal.xxx normaldx.xxx normal-dx.xxx normal4-ue.xxx normalmap.xxx _h.xxx height.xxx heightmap.xxx displacement.xxx metallic.xxx metal.xxx metalness.xxx _s.xxx roughness.xxx rough.xxx ao.xxx ambientocclusion.xxx ambient occlusion.xxx _t.xxx translucency.xxx transmission.xxx emission.xxx emissive.xxx